The other day I was coming home from work and this rubberneck jumped out the bushes and scared me something fierce. Man did I ever have a case of the screaming memmies. Luckily though I had my Kubaton Key Defence with me and I gave him a hearty whack to the skull cap to deter him from doing it again. Now if this or a similar event had of happened to most people, they would just let this go there. Maybe at most they'd complain to neighbourhood watch about the crap job they were doing, or they'd tell the tale to their friends at cocktail parties to make it sound like they led dangerous lives. I on the other hand decided to take my experiences and turn them from trauma, to cash. So I'm making a self defence video. It is gonna be good too. I'm thinking about having a re-enactment of the other evening's event in it too. I mean I realise now the guy was only a UPS worker. Still he shouldn't have been in a brown suit when he went to retrieve that box he dropped in the bushes. Bank robbers wear brown suits just like that. I've seen it with my own two eyes on TV. But the nice thing is we change the UPS thing when we make the video. Well give him a stocking over the head, a 15 inch bowie knife and a pirate hook hand. That is the amazing thing about working in the medium of media, it is a forum that allows its manipulators a great deal of flexibility in many different directions. I'd also like to use a Silverchair song in the video. Well have to see about that though.
[February 4, 2001 @ 07:50 AM]