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Mon, 04 Feb 2002

Super Bowl Monday Paper Chip Rage

Oh my God! I just realized when I posted my message yesterday in my drunken Super Bowl rage, that I lost Benji months ago. That means nobody was guarding the door! Anybody, a hobo, a gypsy, a fireman, even a nun, could have seen the paper chip drafts!!! I'd better speak to Clint pronto and have him do me up a couple fake paper chip drafts so as to divert the fire in my STOMACH THAT IS RAGING RIGHT NOW. I CANNOT THINK ABOUT THE SITUATION AT HAND!!! I NEED TO CONCENTRATE! Maybe I shouldn't have chugged that thing of salsa.... I'll write that on my hand in permanent marker and have it tattooed on me just like that guy in Mentos, the movie. Man, I still can't figure out how that they made a Spanish candy commercial into a successful movie. It is beyond me.

[February 4, 2002 @ 09:36 AM]