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Sun, 04 Jun 2000

Blue Inky Flying Fat Girl

I've been thinking about it. I didn't hap onto this whole mimeograph blue ink thing by chance; this is BIGGER than me and I know it. I'm way out of my league. This is better than Alien Autopsy, cause the blue ink is real, very real... Hell, I bet if that monster truck fat woman who spread Nutello on the Fig Newton I gave here were here right now and we had some blue ink mimeographs, she'd scarf them right up. All that blue ink would get all pasty around her fat swollen lips and she drool blue inky saliva just like a big blue fat fly. Then I'd say "Air Raid!" and her big fat blue oozing fly ass would pinball through the air in fear just like Mr. Presely. Mr. Presely said aliens are real and that why he is a memeber of the NRA cause pretty soon the aliens are going to Battlefield Earth and he wants to protect himself. FTP Frank, do me a favor, ask you new age crystal panzy friends what they think of the blue ink and monster truck fat girls who might or might not eat it.

[June 4, 2000 @ 02:52 PM]